
    1. Método Vantedeschia para tratar pigmentación facial

    1. Instrucciones de Acceso a Nuestra Comunidad

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    1. Mejora la Apariencia de Tus Ojos

Por qué se mancha la piel?

  • $30.00
  • 5 lessons

Recupera la claridad de tu rostro. Inicia hoy!


Health, wealth and wellness maestro committed to developing innovative solutions that raise the standard. Scarlett Marcel

Master's Degree in Telecommunications. Engineer in Computer Systems. Getting People Right (Personality Training). Business Mastery Tony Robbins' Exclusive Program for Entrepreneurs. Business Negotiations T Harv E ACADEMY. Wellness & Business Coach. Vantedeschi´a Skin Care Solutions Founder. Professional Esthetician with more than 20 years of experience. Founder of Zitrev Digital Academy. Co-founder & Chief Director at Zitrev Academy of Dance. Co-founder of Your Pass for a Better You Wellness Platform and The Food Chats. Excellent Cook to Improve Health.